Okay Okay Okay.. Topic: DIFFUSION! Mission: TEACH SOPHMORES. Bonus: IF IT IS EXCITING. (Probably not)
Let me draw you a little visual here:
Imagine you are in a tight compacted area.. with smelly people... people you want to get away from.. so you move to a less compacted area (as do others) until there is an equal amount of people in both areas.. This my fair children is diffusion.
Diffusion is defined as the movement of a particle across a memebrane from high concentration to low concentration. Simple diffusion in this way ... well it is simple.. the molecules just move across the membrane without any help. So the people moving in my above example.. just walk to the other room. Facilitated diffusion though uses proteins to help the molecules move across. For example, the people would need to lets say.. ride an elevator to get to the other room. They are assited to the other side. Active transport is in the need of energy to diffuse to the other side. The energy is needed because the molecules are moving agains the initial rule of high to low concentration. Instead, the molecules move from a low concentration to a high concentration.. In my example, this means people from the second room would want to move into the more compacted room.. (idk why in the world they would want to do that), but they need energy in order to do this. So those people would let say.. drink a Red Bull (energy) before they go back into the compacted room. wooo hoo for Red Bull.
Osmosis is a specific example of diffusion- it is the diffusion of water across a membrane. (Water is so special). So in my example.. this would be the diffusion of only the people in blue shirts. (water).
Simple diffusion= simple
Facilitated diffusion= facilitate means assist.. proteins assist the molecules that diffuse
Active transport= in order to be active, energy is needed.